Sebastian Gonzalez-Moore


Hello my name is Sebastian and I am a Junior in the class of 2024. I was born and raised in San Francisco and have lived my whole life here. I attended Saint Vincent De Paul before I chose to come to SHCP. I really enjoy learning about APUSH, Calculus and mathematical concepts in school and tinkering around. I beat stage 4 Hodgkins Lymphoma  when I was 14 years old and I now am healthy and happy. Fighting cancer taught me so many values in life such as persevering and never giving up.  This fight has allowed me to become a great leader in everything I do in life and continue to work hard and motivate people. I love to play football, basketball, and lacrosse  when I am not in school or have free time. I play Bay City Basketball and for the SHCP Varsity Football Team as well as SHCP Varsity Lacrosse . I am very proud to have made this project and raise awareness for homelessness which is a big problem in our country and especially our very own city of San Francisco  with my basketball teammate and good friend for over 8 years, Jack Kennedy as well as my fellow lacrosse teammates and classmates Sanders Tillitt and Aki Tobin. 

i2 Projects

SHC Homeless Helpers

Learn more about our homeless crisis in San Francisco

Project details