The i2 Journey Begins

As I applied to SHC, I was simply just trying to get in. I was not aware that a program such as i2 even existed, so it is fair to say that I was fairly surprised when I got accepted into the i2 program. As I did a little more research, I realized that the i2 program is similar to programs I had taken part in previously. Now that I am in the classroom with all my i2 classmates, I am very excited to get started on the i2 journey. I enjoy being with all the members, Mr. Standley and Mr. Hunt are great teachers, and it is very nice to have our own little community inside of the larger SHC community.

As for i2 itself, being able to get exposure to all sorts of different STEM involved programs, presentations, and projects practically for free is exciting as well. I am looking forwards to everything in store for this freshman year, not to mention my entire high school experience, and the project I will be able to create.