About The Project

Clothing 4 Claras

Clothing 4 Claras is a non-profit organization that was founded in San Francisco by Kailin Kratz (i2 ’24). It takes clothing from dancers in SF that are lightly used and donate them to smaller schools that are in need or are willing to take them. ​

This effort was started in COVID because as a ballet dancer herself, Kailin saw how crucial it was for herself as well as many other people to have ballet as an outlet. She wanted to help dancers that weren’t as fortunate as her to be able to dance and express themselves. She started this organization as a small effort to make dancers lives easier and help to increase access to ballet. Although it is a small contribution, if there is one dancer that is saved by this organization, it will all be worth it.

This organization has now grown to include another high school student in San Francisco- Elliott Scott. Even though Elliott does not dance herself, she greatly appreciates the world of dance and can empathize with feelings of not being able to do what you love during the pandemic. She has decided to join and is helping Kailin with the managing and organizing of this non-profit.

Our most recent project was donating ballet clothing to dancers in Maui, Hawaii!

If you would like to check out more from our most recent projects, go to our website:


Project Infographics