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About The Project

The Opportunity Hub

In the fourth grade, a representative of the Breakthrough SF program came to my school to talk to students about what the program provides. There would be opportunities to learn new things and would take students on a proper course to college with help along the way. I realized that many students aren’t given the amount of opportunities that program like Breakthrough provide. The only way for people to search for resources to build their high school resume would have to be done by google search. This doesn’t provide specific resources tailored to the individual and may give outdated information.

My goal with The Opportunity Hub is for students to have a place to be able to find resources concerning things that will need to expand their experience in high school. Anything from general resources, scholarships, volunteering, and internships. The website will provide a subscription service so students can be notified of any new opportunities that they may be interested in. In addition, the website will host a forum for students to communicate with each other and share common interests concerning the pursuit of education and building student’s quest for knowledge in opportunities in their favorite subjects.


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