The i2 Journey Begins

I was first made aware of my acceptance to the i2 program through my online acceptance letter to Sacred Heart Cathedral. I will admit, I was ecstatic at the time, even though I had close to no idea what the program was. Once I read about it on the SHC website, I began to wonder how I got in, as it seemed that the requirements to be accepted were quite strict, but nevertheless, I was still exceptionally happy. 

So far, I have had a lot of fun getting to know my fellow i2 scholars through our Physics and World History classes, as well as outside of school. Everyone is super friendly and willing to help, so I’m confident that I will be able to excel in all my classes. As the i2 program mainly focuses on STEM, I hope that in my four years at SHC, I am able to improve on my understanding of STEM and apply it to the many aspects of my daily life, whether it be at school or in my future career.  

In regards to the passion project that we are to complete this year, I am feeling both excited and anxious. I hope to complete a successful project, although I’m not completely sure what result would define “success” in terms of my project. It’s the uncertainty of it all that’s making me nervous and anxious about my project, but I’m sure that overtime, those feelings will slowly fade away and be replaced with feelings of certainty and confidence. I hope that this is the case throughout my four years as an i2 scholar, and that the results of my project will benefit not only myself and my intended “consumers,” but also anyone who comes across my project and finds it interesting.