As a new i2 student, I am immensely looking forward to my time in the program! The i2 Program is about innovation and inquiry; thinking about ways to improve one’s home, school, community, and world. The program is an outlet that helps students develop natural curiosity and creativity. It surrounds us with teachers to guide us and students to relate to us. I am ecstatic to have this opportunity to grow as a student, innovator, and person.
I have truly enjoyed my time in the program. Having classes with students who have the same interests has taught me teamwork. I learned how exciting it is when you relate to another person, especially in a classroom. We are all equally engaged and willing to participate and help one another. It encourages me to be more motivated and present. I am looking forward to making memories with my new friends.
The i2 Program gives students opportunities to improve and expand their horizons. I am looking forward to working with teachers and students to take these opportunities and create to improve the world! I am looking forward to working on my i2 project and hopefully succeeding, learning, and growing. Over the next four years, I hope to open my mind and gain more aspirations and interests. I hope that I leave my mark and that i2 has left its mark on me.