The end of the i2 Showcase marked the beginning of a long haul. Future steps from the speech-to-text transcribing flat-screen model presented at the 2024 i2 Showcase included an arduous, time-consuming upgrade into the glasses model, which we recognized early on to become “Crystal Clear MAX.” However, for someone as new to coding as I was at the time, I didn’t have a clue as to where to begin. After a few sleepless nights of worriment of how I was going to execute upon such an endeavor to implement the transcription technology (coded previously by ChatGPT in the flat-screen prototype,) into a significantly smaller model (consisting of a computer, microphone, and screen), I discovered my initial plan.
In April, just days after the Showcase, I started my search for a viable computer, a small one that a beginner could work with. Simultaneously researching how I would execute on the optical lenses’ design, I stumbled upon YouTube videos using Arduino Pro Mini models within homemade smart glasses. Unfortunately, I quickly discovered Arduino’s aren’t actually computers, and might not have enough computing power required for what I wanted to do, according to the advice of Mr. Murphy, a previous SHC physics teacher and mentor of other i2 projects. He guided me towards the alternative of the Raspberry Pi. The Raspberry Pi contains a microprocessor, while the Arduino carries a microcontroller. Microprocessors are designed for more general applications and carry higher processing power, but are slightly more expensive when comparing an Arduino and a Raspberry Pi. Also, the most impactful downside of the Arduino Pro Mini was the fact that it required an attachment method far more difficult than a plug-in: soldering. Soldering, or the process of melting solder (a metal alloy) and using it as “glue” to connect two pieces of metal together, commonly used in circuitry, and a process in which I had no experience. So, to reduce the risk of unwanted injury and stay within the allotted time and money, I decided to use the Raspberry Pi.
I ordered the Raspberry Pi 3B+ model ($50) as soon as I could, conducting additional research geared specifically towards the inner workings of a Raspberry Pi. To complete my materials list, I also purchased a shotgun microphone ($30), a special microphone that only captures the sound directly in front of it, preventing any unwanted, background audio from entering the transcription software. Finally, the project wouldn’t be complete without a mini OLED ($3), with jumper wires ($8) to connect to the Raspberry Pi. Additional purchases included a power chord ($10) to connect to the battery I already had (a regular rechargeable phone charger), and a USB microphone wire ($9) to connect to the shotgun mic. By May, I compiled the complete design of the hardware through research in online simulations, and began to code my Pi…