The First Gen Investors project is my attempt at exploring and learning about the infinite world of stocks and investing. Most teenagers are completely deprived of the chance to learn and experience the stock market, which is something I have noticed and want to change. I hoped to do this by first gaining experience myself, working with other teenagers alongside me as we meet every week, discussing and investing in stocks. Along the way, we have had guest speakers that work in hedge funds and private equities. Next, I have compiled the knowledge that I have picked up so far as well as the evidence that teenagers can indeed invest in order to inspire the next generation of future investors. I first got the idea over quarantine during the GameStop frenzy. I noticed that through this extraordinary event, teenagers and young people have started to pay attention and gain more interest in investing, but they don’t have the tools or confidence to do it correctly. So through my effort, the goal is to show the proper way for young people to invest, which is something I hope they can believe in coming from a fellow peer.