Today I began organizing the Informed Shopping website. I’ve been using Webflow and it is proving a bit more challenging than I anticipated. I have had to make some design changes, so the site isn’t looking as clean and organized as I had hoped. I hope I can find a solution soon or make more modifications to bring the site closer to my ideal. I have built the home page of the site and for background images I was happy to find that some of my own photos worked well, which resolved my issue of having to purchase an image online. When visiting sites that claimed to provide free images, I was often stopped by needing to make an account for a brief free trial, so using my personal photos completely avoided this.
Due to needing to change the format of the site I wasn’t able to include all of the research I had found. I was a bit disappointed to not be able to include it all, but I think having a brief summary of each company’s effects results in a cleaner look anyway. I based the site’s design around a blue and green color scheme, hoping to convey a more grounded and “eco” appearance. While it was a bit of a challenge, looking at the progress of the site makes it worth it.