Ries Chu


My name is Ries Chu and I am a Junior at Sacred Hearth Cathedral! I’ve lived in San Francisco my whole life with my parents and older brother. I went to Children’s Day school for middle school. I enjoy cooking, reading, powerlifting, and hiking. At SHC I’m the community relations officer for Student Council, in the I2 program, and in block club. I hope to use my skills and knowledge to help improve the environment of the world and more specifically the SHCP community.


Progress So Far 2022

One way I have revised my initial project is that I’ve decided to focus more on the environment than just on bees. I think it would be irresponsible of me to do all of this work and get bee hives for the school for me to just graduate and not have anyone to continue the […] Read more

My 2021-2022 Project

Now in my Junior Year at SHC I’m excited to continue with my project bees and their worrying disappearance. So far I have focused my time on research and attending beekeeping classes offered by the San Francisco Beekeeping Association. As most people have experienced COVID has proved a large hurdle in this project. However, now […] Read more

My Project

Environmentally Conscious Lifestyles

Currently, climate change, global warming, disappearing bee populations, may just be words you hear in the news. With everything going on in the world it’s understandable that in your day to day life you do not think about the environmental impact of every one of your actions.

Project details


How often do you eat produce from a supermarket?

Project details