Sylvia Du


Hey! I’m Sylvia, a current SHC junior. I was born in San Francisco and attended school at St.Gabriel, though I was raised in Daly City, where I currently live with my family and my pet fish. I’m an astronomy, math, and science lover, while my hobbies include baking, dancing, and making origami. At SHC, I’m involved in LVY, Block Club, CSF, Mandarin Club, AASU, and tech crew. Outside of school, I have continuously helped grow and beta test a game since 2019 and participate in With A Thousand Cranes, an organization that helps bring happiness to the sick by bringing them one thousand origami cranes, symbolizing that one special wish will be made true. I hope to bring awareness of important issues that are happening today and create impactful things that can benefit our community.


The I2 Journey Begins

In freshmen year, Ashley and I wanted to make a liquid metal battery which would be much more effective and environmental friendly than regular batteries. As we progressed through our project, we realized that the resources we needed to actually build the battery are extremely limited, so instead we built a model of a liquid […] Read more

i2 Projects

Liquid Metal Batteries

The idea for this project came about as we discussed current issues that affect us and others around the world with Mr. Hunt. We talked about issues including climate change, energy consumption, and many more. From there, he suggested we do our project about the use of renewable energy through liquid metal batteries. We talked about the importance of liquid metal batteries and their benefits. We became interested in this topic as we care about helping others who are less fortunate and reducing our carbon footprint. We hope that through this project we can educate people about liquid metal batteries and why they are crucial for maintaining life on Earth.

Project details


We initially came to the idea for our project, SpheroSafe, after hearing many women speak about how they have come close to being kidnapped, sexually harassed, or even killed. However, the decision to continue with SpheroSafe was solidified when we began to learn and hear about the recent attacks against Asian Americans. As Asian American women, these issues have impacted us and many others. We felt that SpheroSafe could be provided as a great resource to learn more about such issues and to educate those about staying safe.

Project details