Hi! My name is Amelia and I am in 10th grade. I previously attended St. Thomas the Apostle School (1948-2023) and had a lot of family connections there which inspired my i2 project last year. My aunt currently works as a teacher at St. Gabriel School and I also have a younger sister there who is in 6th grade. Finally, I have two cats, Annabelle and Wombat, who are both adorable.
This year at SHC, I am involved in the Earth Action Club, Music Listening Club, & Cheese Club. For my i2 project, I am working on a stress relief video game.
Last year, I worked on a bridge project with my i2 Physics classmates. For my i2 project, I wanted to give back to the teachers at STA since I have known some of them for more than nine years. My aunt and mom mainly inspired me because they work long, stressful hours and go to bed very late. Finally, my sister also inspired me because school is very important to her.
The goal of my project is to give the teachers a break during lunch time by sending volunteers to watch students from 1st-8th Grade. We will volunteer on days that STA has school/SHC doesn't and take the 38r bus (if parents can't drive).
Project detailsThe goal of my project is to create a video game that allows the player to relax.
Project details