Floyd Anthony Nostratis


Hello! I’m Floyd Anthony Nostratis. I am a Junior at Sacred Heart Cathedral Preparatory. I live in San Francisco. My family works in the medical field, with my mothers being nurses and my brother, who has graduated from SF State, working in Psychology. We are also musically inclined. My mother and brother sing and I am an instrumentalist while also singing for my school and for fun.

I have studied piano for around 5 years, and have taught myself how to play guitar. An avid music listener and creator, I listen to and collect a lot of music on my free time. Outside of school, I make music and sell music, either from used vinyl records or my own. I have friends across the city and in other states who make music, and trade cassettes and CDs. Including music, I like art, clothes, movies, and books. I participate in my school’s gaming and mahjong club. I also participate in the photo club as well. There is a lot of good media in the world that I wish to experience in my lifetime. I am very determined to fulfill my goals.

This year, I am continuing and finalizing my Self-Playing Guitar project by creating a new UI to maneuver the machine easily. I have already implemented the fretting mechanism and the muting system by using piano dampers. Now, my new goal is to create a UI or application where one can play different guitar songs on the self-playing guitar, and hopefully use the guitar tablature system to compose new music making a real instrument rather than a fake synthesizer.


Self-Playing Guitar Project stage uno...

I have worked on this guitar project for a month at this point. Considering I have never done something like this before, I had to buy everything and learn everything all in the span of a couple months. First time I bought an Arduino, too. Most of the materials I am using are: Arduino Uno […] Read more


Satisfaction of Sound Synthesis

Originally I wanted to convey the importance of music in science. I thought that I would make a synthesizer but that would be too much and it would be limiting. However, I still implemented the usage of digital software to increase accessibility. One software I found was Max/MSP, a programming software/coding language for music and media. The reason why this matters, mainly to me, is to introduce this gem of a program to the school to implement the research projects I have culminated since elementary into the school.

Project details

Self-Playing Guitar

As a musician I have always been irritated by the extent of my kinesthetic abilities. I play the piano, guitar, bass, and more, however I can only play to the best of my ability. The human limit irritates many musicians when they try to play, or compose. Usually, in my case, I would try to use guitar plugins and record notes on my computer instead of playing them, so as to make it easier. However, it doesn't sound satisfactory for my ears. Using guitar plugins and other instrument plugins can seem like a last effort when attempting to compose music, or utilize as a backing band when you cannot afford one, or do not have the resources to do so. Using this self-playing guitar, I want to create a way to play and record guitar melodies without using downloaded or bought plugins, or playing them myself, pushing past the human limit.

Project details