Hi, my name is Brandt! I am a junior at Sacred Heart Cathedral Preparatory. My interests include volleyball, theater, and much more. I am currently on the SHC varsity volleyball team, and I also coach 12-year-olds for club volleyball. Since coming to SHC, I have participated in the 2019 fall play of The Crucible as well as the 2021 spring musical, The Theory of Relativity. In terms of academics, my favorite classes are math and sciences, as everything is so formulaic and logical. Outside of school, I also enjoy cooking, writing, and drawing in my free time. I love working with other people and I am so grateful for the different bonds and friendships that programs like I2, sports, or clubs foster. I hope to create projects that I’m not only passionate about, but that will also have a positive impact on others. For my junior year i2 project, I am creating a board game called Shuffle Boards. My goal is to design and produce a new game for entertainment—one that is creative, easy to understand, and fun!
As the year has progressed, my junior year I2 project—Shuffle Boards—has developed and grown. Currently, I have designed my game boards and game cards, and I am in the process of testing, ordering, and finalizing the project. Once this is done, I need to create my instructions, and I will have a finished game as […] Read more
Throughout the past two years of being in I2, I have learned how to focus on a specific audience in order to solve a problem. I have defined my audience’s need and the way in which my product will satisfy that need. For this year’s project, I will exercise all my previous knowledge that I2 […] Read more
Shuffle Boards is a board game made up of four different game boards. The objective of the game is to cross each board and reach the end, though there are spaces which would shuffle the boards around—and could turn the entire game around. This game can by played by two or more players, and is great for kids or families.
Project detailsThroughout COVID-19, Brandt and Angel became increasingly aware of another pandemic—a mental health pandemic. Especially in teens, rates of depression, anxiety, and eating disorders have shot through the roof since the pandemic began. Targeted towards the SHC community, Brandt and Angel decided to create the MENTALITY podcast as a way to promote students’ mental and physical health through sharing real experiences from others, what their struggles have been, and how they’ve overcome them.
Project details