In our city, San Francisco, there is a huge problem that we come into contact with every day. It is almost like someone is experiencing homelessness and struggling to survive everywhere you turn. Last year, in our project Homeless Helpers Pt.1, we spread awareness through a series of podcasts. In these podcasts, we aimed to humanize the people we talk to and ask what we could do to help. However, this year our goal is to expand our research and podcasts into a documentary that we can publish. This will increase the reach of our project and make it easily accessible on platforms like Youtube and Vimeo. In this documentary, we will incorporate our research and interviews from last year into a put-together film. On top of that, we will document us going on the streets and learning more about these people’s predicament. Our goal is to get closer to the community surrounding out school and to inform our school community about the people that we often disregard.