About The Project

The Rabbit Burrow – Homemade Goods Shop

Our i2 project this year is to develop an online shop that sells homemade products, gifts, and art. Some of the products will include crocheted animals, stickers, and drawings (possible commissions).

We’re creating this shop to raise awareness of certain charities (related to the environment, poverty, education, etc.) as well as showcase our art on a new platform. Our audience is those who are interested in buying our art, as well as those who want to donate to charities and do not know where to start. However, the following are the steps we’re taking to create the shop:

1. Develop and work on a template/find a way to facilitate charity donations. This includes calculating profits (for ourselves and for the charities) and costs (for materials and the time spent on creating products).

2. Create products: crochet, draw, etc.

3. Post products on the shop.

4. Publicize the shop. We can create posters to put up around our school as a small start.

5. Maintain it: updates, products, etc.


Update 4/9/22:

Instead of focusing on the Etsy page and shop as the center of the project, we decided to discontinue the page and instead focus on the Instagram page for research and updates on charities. So, now we are updating the Instagram and will continue to do so.

Project Infographics