About The Project

SHC Advisories

     SHC Advisories is a podcast where we send out google forms through Schoology to the SHC student body, asking them questions or advice they might need. We then take these questions and create podcast segments answering topics and giving our advice. For our sophomore year project, we wanted to highlight the important issue of Women’s Sports Empowerment. At SHC alone, we have interviewed a variety of people, ranging from faculty members, the Student Body President, members of the Women’s Sports Empowerment Club, and lastly students from both boys and girls sports here at SHC. We have conducted interviews from multiple San Francisco schools, including public, catholic, and independent schools. Our goal is to spread awareness on these issues and to make people start talking about Women’s sports, as they are often not discussed as much as Men’s sports. Our project is important, as it shines a light on the inequalities Women’s Sports face all the time, specifically on the high school level. We wanted to provide a way for students to voice their opinions, even if they don’t quite know exactly how. So, we have created a site that allows for you to have a variety of situations involving potential conflicts, where when you click on one,  you get templates that you can send to your principal, asking for change. We have also linked our own email for students who may have private questions and need immediate assistance.

Project Infographics