Project Profile


This year, my project is inspired by the academic fair, and I want to make a more functional, convenient, and thorough product. As a junior, I have attended the SHC academic fair twice. It is advertised as a place where you learn all about the classes you will take in the coming years, where teachers […]


To come up with a project topic, I began by thinking about problems connected to climate change that I was interested in. Because I have always wanted to grow plants, I immediately found the topic of chemical pesticides a very fascinating issue. From there, after much thought, I decided to make my own organic pesticides. […]


Hustle is an educational card game geared to help young students properly understand the climate change. Our game innovates with Game Based Learning (see info graphics), an untouched target audience, and a reflection to real life.

Star Car

We decided to make a miniaturized hydrogen engine for our 2024 i2 project in order to test our mechanical engineering skills. The overall project is a hydrogen powered combustion engine, made out of PVC pipes. We wanted to show others how it wasn’t too difficult to make hydrogen engines, however it was much more difficult […]


Ocean plants are dying rapidly because of the increase in water temperatures caused by climate change, and over 40% of the plant material in the ocean has died since 1950. The plants will continue to do so unless something changes. Many fish repopulate with a technique called broadcast spawning, where their sticky eggs attach to […]


A new way to improve fish hatching rates due to ocean warming by protecting eggs in water.

Evolved Creatures

This project will be a program that allows virtual creatures to be evolved to walk, swim, and jump in a simulated 3D physics environment. This will result in the emergence of lifelike creatures with realistic behavior. This project was inspired by Karl Sims’ Evolved Virtual Creatures. I have implemented many of his ideas while creating my […]

Forecasting Futures: AI In Healthcare

Check out my Prezi here: Right now, the big question about Artificial Intelligence in ANY workforce is that nobody knows for sure what is going to happen or how people will be affected. The unknown is one of the scariest parts of the future.  By better understanding what CAN happen, people will  develop an […]

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