Project Profile

Interactive Scavenger Hunt

Inspiration Walking around the city is boring. Birthdays without competition are boring. Visiting a science fair can actually also be boring .. Why is there no game that makes these activities more fun? When everyone has a mobile, when mobiles have powerful functions like camera’s and geo-positioning, social networks can connect everyone, and new AI-technology […]

Ethics Social Justice: Germline Embryo Research

Understanding the potential of genetic engineering is crucial for our generation and beyond. Breakthroughs like CRISPRCas9 hold immense promise in addressing genetic disorders and enhancing human health. Throughout history, skepticism has often preceded acceptance of transformative technologies, such as the transition from internal combustion engines to electric cars, the advent of airplanes, and the rise […]

Inspirit AI: Planet Hunters

As the universe continues to expand this very moment, it becomes statistically impossible for us humans to be the only living species out here- and for Earth to be the only habitable planet for humans within the universe. Humans first discovered exoplanets in 1992; an exoplanet being a planet revolving around a star, other than […]

Crystal Clear OPS

What comes to mind when you hear the word, or acronym, ‘OPS’? From an espionage perspective, you might consider ops to represent “operations.” However, my view of the nickname could be from more of a medical point of view, the common phrase of ops being “optics.” This project is a little bit of both, being […]


Polysight For the year of 2024, my i2 project is called Polysight. Poly meaning multiple and sight meaning to look, I thought this was a fitting name for my i2 project. This project is all about political biases within news. It is a application where you can insert a URL of a news article and […]

Chemical Accumulation in the Body

Many young people don’t really know what types of chemicals they are exposing themselves to, and overexposing the body to certain types of chemicals starting from a young age can lead to health issues in the future. This issue is especially important for young people who use social media to get inspiration for different cosmetics […]

Pollinator Pods

Bees are the most important pollinator in our ecosystem, playing a major role in the growth and production of both plants and crops. With bee populations decreasing, it is important that we understand the importance of bees and how to protect them. Without bees pollinating our crops and plants, our ecosystem and food supply would […]


This year’s project is geared more towards product design and creation, as I explored research and computer science in prior years and decided to branch out. After considering many other ideas, I settled on a project that would satiate my desire to build and engineer, making it truly a passion project. This idea originated when […]


This year for my i2 project I created a bot that creates practice tests for the AP Human Geography Exam. I created this program because I realized that studying for free response question tests is much more difficult compared to other types of tests. The main issue is it is hard for students to get […]

The Anthropocene – EcoGuardian: The Smart Recycling Solution

Hello SHC, my name is Derron Gibson, and this is my Anthropocene project: Eco Guardian – Revolutionizing Plastic Waste Disposal. In a world where environmental consciousness is paramount, my project aims to revolutionize waste management practices and promote sustainable living through a personalized plastic recycling monitor. This project is designed for a variety of users, […]

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