Tag: Mental Health

Stigma and How it Affects Teens

My project this year was to compose a presentation about Stigma. This presentation consisted of hours and hours of research, mainly from sources like the NIH (National Library of Medicine), CDC and Healthline. I got this idea because I was thinking about how drastically the pandemic affected many of my peers, but more over why […]

The Mental Central (2023)

Angeline, Emma, Fiona, and Henry have noticed their peers or even themselves have experienced the struggles of keeping up with their mental health; whether it be due to stress in school, pressure in sports, or even just anxiety about day-to-day experiences. They found that there weren’t many ways to express this feeling within themselves in […]

How Social Media Standards Affect Mental Health

In this era, almost everybody has seen or at least heard of social media. It is everywhere, and there are billions of people that use it and even consider it as a part of their daily life. However, we believe that social media has adverse effects that are hidden behind its alluring facade: effects that […]


For my junior year project, I decided to combine my experience working with kids, interest in mental health, and entrepreneurial spirit to complete a two-part project called BOARD. My goal is to delve deeper into the complexities of having kids return from several years of virtual, online learning back to in-person learning, as well as […]

The Mental Central (2022)

Angeline, Emma, Fiona, and Katia have noticed their peers or even themselves have experienced the struggles of keeping up with their mental health; whether it be due to stress in school, pressure in sports, or even just anxiety about day-to-day experiences. They found that there weren’t many ways to express this feeling within themselves in […]


Brandt and Angel first became interested in the topic of mental health in their Freshman year, and have pursued their learning in this area through their Psychology class, where they learned about the different aspects of an individual’s mental health. Through COVID-19, they became increasingly aware of another pandemic– a mental health pandemic. Especially in […]

Conditioning Inner-Excellence

Recently, there has been more public focus and attention devoted to acknowledging mental health challenges among athletes, particularly those at and aspiring to be at the elite level. Because women athletes face social and structural inequities and challenges in participating in sports, there are complexities to understanding mental health struggles among this population. This research […]

Coffee Talk

Our group was inspired by the pressing contemporary topics that we felt were being dismissed and decided to highlight them in simplified animations to raise awareness. Our main goal was to create a project that would allow us to create animated videos that were digestible, impartial, and complementary to the youth. Throughout this process, we […]