Tag: Environment

Redefining Organic

This project aims to inform consumers if their food is completely sustainable, including packaging, shipment, pesticide use, and other factors. Many people end up paying extra money to buy organic produce, personal care products, textiles, and more. But are these products actually sustainable for the environment? Currently, an “organic” label can mean anything from 70% […]

Growing Hope: An Urban Planting Guide

Growing regeneratively provides an answer to completely reverse climate change should its implementation become worldwide. How might we be able to contribute to this developing agricultural movement in an urban environment? This project hopes to act as a concise and understandable guide on growing plant life in a city, no matter how small the plot […]

Creating Bioplastic

After traveling, swimming, surfing, and researching, I became invested in our growing plastic problem. I googled what I could do to help, attended beach cleanups, and research new solutions. One that interested me was bioplastics. Many utensils had become compostable, and this idea of bioplastic was rising, but I felt its use was minimal in […]

Environmentally Conscious Lifestyles

Currently, climate change, global warming, disappearing bee populations, may just be words you hear in the news. With everything going on in the world it’s understandable that in your day to day life you do not think about the environmental impact of every one of your actions. Does anyone? However, something you can do it […]

Food for the Future

This project will explain the future of food production, and how to feed an ever-increasing human population as the Earth’s resources dwindle. I will explain the ecological destruction caused by today’s agriculture, supported by a 5-step solution to produce the food. The objective of this project is to inform and educate individuals about the situation […]

What A Waste!

What A Waste is a passion project for me because I have always loved playing games and I hope families will be able to have fun together while also learning how to be environmentally conscious. During middle school, I learned how much our waste impacts our world so I hope that through this game people […]

The Compost Cycle

The Compost Cycle is a cycle that takes old food waste and makes something new out of it. We used a process of composting called vermicomposting, which uses redworms and makes fertilizer. With the fertilizer created, we then add the compost into our garden to grow fruits and vegetables and we give the food back […]